import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { SharedService } from '../../../shared/shared.service'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr'; import { PagesService } from '../../../shared/pages.service'; import { Ng2SmartTableModule } from 'ng2-smart-table'; import { LocalDataSource } from 'ng2-smart-table'; import { SmartTableData } from '../../../@core/data/smart-table'; @Component({ selector: 'ngx-customers-list', templateUrl: './customers-list.component.html', styleUrls: ['./customers-list.component.scss'] }) export class CustomersListComponent implements OnInit { source: LocalDataSource = new LocalDataSource(); constructor( private auth: SharedService, private http: HttpClient, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private toaster: ToastrService, private pageser: PagesService, private service: SmartTableData, ) { } dataList = []; dataListIds= []; selectListIds = []; dataTableNumber: number = 5; currentPage:number = 1; count: number; perPagePagenation: number; selectedAll: any; company_registrtion = { company_name : '', phone : '', commercial_number : '', industrial : '', website_address :'', address : '', total_users_request : '', register_date : '', expire_date : '', logo_photo : '', company_admins : [ { name : '', email : '', password : '', password_confirmation : '' }], company_branches : [ { branch_name : '', branch_users : [ { name: '', email : '', type : '', position : '', phone : '', hire_date: '', is_active: null, password : '', password_confirmation : '' }] }] } ngOnInit() { this.pageser.getListData(this.currentPage, this.dataTableNumber, 'all', 'customers') .subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.dataList = res[('companies')]; console.log(this.dataList); this.count = res[('count')]; console.log(this.count); this.perPagePagenation = res[('per_page')]; }, err => { console.log(err); } ); } onGetValue(event){ this.dataTableNumber =; console.log(this.dataTableNumber); this.dataList = []; this.pageser.getListData(this.currentPage, this.dataTableNumber, 'all', 'customers') .subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.dataList = res[('companies')]; console.log(this.dataList); this.count = res[('count')]; this.perPagePagenation = res[('per_page')]; }, err => { console.log(err); } ); } onPageChange(pagenationNumber){ this.currentPage = pagenationNumber; this.pageser.getListData(pagenationNumber,this.dataTableNumber , 'all' , 'customers') .subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.dataList = []; this.dataList = res[('users')]; this.count = res[('count')]; this.perPagePagenation = res[('per_page')]; }, err => { console.log(err); } ); } //make all checkbox of user checked selectAll() { console.log('selected alllllll'); for(let i = 0; i < this.dataList.length; i++){ this.dataList[i].selected = this.selectedAll; } } checkIfAllSelected() { this.selectedAll = this.dataList.every(function(item:any) { return item.selected == true; }); } onDelete(){ this.dataListIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.dataList.length; i++) { if (this.dataList[i].selected == true) { this.dataListIds.push(this.dataList[i].id); } } console.log(this.dataListIds); if(this.dataListIds.length > 0){ this.pageser.deleteItem(this.dataListIds,'customers ').subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.toaster.success('Deleted'); this.dataList = []; this.pageser.getListData(this.currentPage, this.dataTableNumber,'all','customers' ).subscribe( res => { console.log(res); this.dataList = res['companies']; this.count = res['count']; this.perPagePagenation = res['per_page']; }, err => { console.log(err); ; } ); }, err => { console.log(err); this.toaster.error('sorry something went wrong!') } ); }else { this.toaster.warning('No thing to delete') } } onAdding(){ this.router.navigate(['../register'], {relativeTo: this.route}); localStorage.setItem('company_registrtion', JSON.stringify(this.company_registrtion)); } onEdit(editId: number) { this.router.navigate(['../edit/' + editId], {relativeTo: this.route}); console.log(editId); } }