- dashboard: update title country->region the orders list component (#1987) (cf1bf4d)
- readme: fix demo links (#2028) (1fb3205)
- rtl: remove duplicate of nebular styles (#1824) (d8e7092)
- setting-sidebar: Ie and firefox position bugs, linter (#2023) (8d471ba)
- sidebar: Add Form Inputs extra component menu item (#1966) (658aa19), closes #1965
- datepicker: fix datepicker arrow style (#1925) (a878197)
- toggle-settings-button: position while search open (#1993) (f17aa32)
- buttons: Uncheck checkbox after click (#1721) (fbe12a9), closes #1697
- readme: update docs link (#1743) (a6d5d49)
- temperature: fix temperature dragger gradient, fix switcher button hover background (#1745) (f12bd9f)
- tree: fix tree component, replace ng2-tree on the angular-tree-component (22c161f), closes #1690
Nebular updated to rc.6.
- auth: configurable auth social icons (#1545) (9381d8c), closes #1515
- bootstrap: update to 4.0.0 release (ddb6306)
- maps: add google map with access search location dropdown (97c7134)
- popover: add popover showcase (#1556) (f4cdf4a)
- security: include @nebular/security, ACL setup (#1565) (480a90b)
- user: replace
with nbContextMenu
directive (fb5de37)
- dashboard: fix mistyped ngbDropdownMenu in some ngbDropdown ul elements (#1458) (fa83572)
- dashboard: fix typo in styles (#1460) (630c249)
- dependencies: update dependencies, angular 5+, nebular rc.4 (26e16ed)
Nebular changelog is available here for more details.
- bootstrap: update bootstrap to beta.2, nebular to rc.3 (b525213)
- compodoc: add compodoc documentation generator (#1327) (eebbc12)
- loader: add loading progress indicator (#1319) (f479715)